In Vino Veritas

Sabrina Vallis
3 min readFeb 9, 2024

How do I find the truth?

Looking for truth in the vine — in vino veritas.
Photo by Andrea Cairone on Unsplash

“Wine is sunlight held together by water.” Galileo

At first in the unravelling of mysef and truth, I start with genetrophics — that genetics may give rise to addiction, so I may have inherited the tendency but it is my responsibility to overcome it. I am comfortable with that.

But I have also inherited the compulsion to find truth.

I cannot cherry or grape pick the very genes that gave me intelligence, and in my youth, beauty. Or enabled me under stress to drink too much wine.

And maybe I can weave of that responsibility some greater cause that supersedes my own — the unravelling of the mystery we call “addiction”. But it appears that in my case, I was addicted to “Truth”.

I wanted to know how my father died.

“You have work to do,” my father proclaims to me in an interesting Near Death Experience, where my former dog is hovering around my father on a cloud with a Hubble back chair. (In later years, when I remember this I have to check with Google that Hubble back chairs exist, they did not in my family.)

An NDE under the influence of of Co-Codamol, another painkiller, an antibiotic, Pneumonia and a few glasses of whiskey left by my mother by my bedside until she calls the paramedics and denies all knowledge of it…



Sabrina Vallis

Sobriety writer. NLP Master Practitioner and Nutritionist. Current research: Addiction and the Brain: Ways to Heal. Neuroscience helps us quit.